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Chapman University

College Visit

Chapman University


Chapman University is located in the “heart of Orange County”, minutes away from Laguna Beach and Disneyland, and an “hour-ish” away from LA and the center of the film and television industry. Thus it is ripe with hopeful Hollywood directors, producers, artists, and media stars. It is, in fact, best known for its top-ranked Dodge College of Film and Media Arts, but Chapman prides itself on being a comprehensive university, with many other strong programs including business, psychology, and undergraduate teaching.

Chapman’s mission is “to provide personalized education of distinction that leads to inquiring, ethical, and productive lives as global citizens.” To support this mission, Chapman requires all students to take classes from their “Global Citizen Cluster” (Global Studies, Community, Citizenship, Service, and Language Study), and half of the students study abroad with programs offered through their Center for Global Education. The core curriculum models their four pillars of providing for student’s spiritual, physical, intellectual, and social growth.

Additionally, all students are required to have a secondary area of study outside of their major via a double major, minor, or multi-disciplinary cluster. Chapman’s academic calendar has a 4-1-4 schedule, with an optional 4-week interterm in January (that is already paid for with fall tuition). Students can take a travel course, enjoy an extra-long holiday vacation, or return to campus to take one course in an intimate environment, as well as enjoy the 70-degree January temperature.

Interpersonal relationships are big on this medium-sized campus of 8,540 students (6,400 undergraduates). Students truly build relationships with the faculty and enjoy a 14:1 student-to-faculty ratio, a 10:1 student-to-staff ratio, and an average class size of 24 students. Academic programs offer hands-on opportunities to students right away, with plenty of internships and volunteer projects in the surrounding community.

College Bound & Ready students: click here to learn more about Kristen’s visit to Chapman University, or contact her for a consultation.