Maximize Your College Options through Strategic Applications

Kristen On Campus

Kristen On Campus

Over 225 college visits! More Reviews to Come.

Kristen Miller has been visiting colleges around the US, and abroad, in an effort to gain first-hand knowledge of the admissions process so applying students have the most up-to-date information. While on campus, Kristen often meets with staff members and faculty from the admissions department to better understand what they are looking for and what steps are often overlooked on submitted applications. It’s not simply learning about the application process when visiting. Kristen takes the time to get a feel for the academic, social, and surrounding community so she can help students build a picture of what campus life may be like.

Applying to college can be an overwhelming process, but Kristen enjoys helping families get the information they need to make the exploration process successful and less stressful, ensuring students are College Bound & Ready!

Take a small journey with Kristen and the stops she makes in the College Visits Drop Down. If you are looking for more information on Kristen’s complete list of college visits, send an email!