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UW Madison

College Visit

UW Madison



UW Madison is a hot destination right now even though my April 2018 visit required snow boots and a stocking cap. West coast students don’t seem to mind the snow, as it’s showing up on more and more of their radars for its top-ranked programs and strong school spirit. UW Madison welcomes 35% of students from out-of-state each year, as they bring in higher tuition dollars (little out-of-state merit aid is offered).

The energy on the college-town campus was palpable with its 43,800 students (30,000 of which are undergraduates). There seemed to be something for everyone with the state Capital down the street, 1 billion dollars in research spent per year, 13% of students in Greek life and popular athletic programs and fan support that breaks the 81,000 spectator mark.

Students say the academics are challenging and describe the climate as work hard/play hard, and themselves as “smart and sociable”. Only freshmen tend to live on campus, but while they do, many dorms and Greek houses offer great views of Lake Mendota. The rest move into apartments within walking distance or a short bus ride of campus.

Students apply directly to one of 8 colleges (Agricultural & Life Sciences, Business, Education, Engineering,  Human Ecology, Letters & Science, Nursing, and Pharmacy), and they offer 140 different majors and many certificate programs (offered in place of minors). Their school of business is direct entry and is nationally ranked in the top 20.

Even with the large student population, students rate their 2,100 professors highly (#1) on Rate my Professor, and 90% of lectures are taught by faculty. The majority of the courses taught by graduate assistants are introductory language courses, of which Madison offers the 2nd largest offering of unique languages in the country.

College Bound & Ready students: click here to learn more about Kristen’s visit to UW Madison, or contact her for a consultation.