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Claremont Colleges

College Visit

Claremont Colleges


The Claremont Colleges are five small liberal arts colleges in Claremont, California, each with their own distinct programs and personality, that share facilities, resources, athletics, and activities. The 5 C’s, as the consortium is nicknamed, include Claremont McKenna College, Pitzer College, Pomona College, Scripps College, and Harvey Mudd College. There are also two graduate schools, Keck Graduate Institute and Claremont Graduate University, nearby. The five campuses fit together within one square mile, making it easy for students to take advantage of the option to take classes at any of the other consortium colleges.

The total undergraduate population is 5,000, with Pomona being the largest (1,500 students) and Harvey Mudd the smallest (just over 800 students). The eclectically-styled campus is 35 miles from downtown Los Angeles, not quite two hours from the coast, and less than 45 minutes away from Mt. Baldy Ski Resort in the San Gabriel Mountains. The location is not what attracts students to this small liberal arts consortium, but rather the people, access to professors, and the 11 different institutes focusing on undergraduate research.

The colleges coordinate calendars, classes, and final schedules, to further facilitate students’ sampling of courses across the colleges. Athletic and social events are also shared, with Claremont, Scripps, and Harvey Mudd joining to form their athletic teams and frequently competing against their neighboring Pomona-Pitzer rivals. The competitions can be intense, but once the matches and games are over, students return to being friends and classmates. The vast majority of students live on campus all four years, and the students I spoke with say there is always something to do on campus. If students want a break from Claremont (nicknamed “The City of Trees and PhDs”) the beaches, mountains, and Los Angeles are all easily within reach by car, and many students purchase year-long Disneyland passes for their weekend escape.

College Bound & Ready students: click here to learn more about Kristen’s visit to the Claremont Colleges , or contact her for a consultation.