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University of San Francisco

College Visit

University of San Francisco



The University of San Francisco definitely reflects the diversity of the city where it lives. The city itself is both old and new, rich and poor, beautiful and dirty, and USF students embrace it all. USF has a very diverse student body, ranking 3rd in ethnic diversity according to U.S. News & World Report, with 74% identifying as students of color. While it is a Jesuit university, less than 30% identify as Catholic and they welcome all religions, as well as no religion.

USF is also ranked 19th on the list of the nation’s most entrepreneurial universities, and USF graduates are ranked in the top 3% in the U.S. for earning potential--as the only private liberal arts college in SF, many companies recruit students from USF for jobs and internships. However, the biggest distinguishing factor about USF is that social impact is at the forefront of everything it does.

“Social justice is a big part of the curriculum,” comment admission staff. USF teaches that only 7% of the entire world’s population has an undergraduate degree and students here know their education is a privilege, and this privilege should not be used in a selfish manner but for the betterment of all. “Our nursing students work with low-income patients in San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood. Architecture majors design and rebuild homes in Nicaragua. Counseling students acted as first-responders for Hurricane Harvey and the Northern California Fires. This thirst for social justice and public service makes USF truly unique.”

College Bound & Ready students: click here to learn more about Kristen’s visit to USF, or contact her for a consultation.