Guiding your student beyond the application.

Financial Aid

Financial Aid Tips

 College Financial Aid Applications—the FAFSA and the CSS Profile—are available for aid covering the 2023-2024 academic year. College Aid Application deadlines vary widely by college and student’s application method (Early Action, Early Decision or Regular Decision). Check each college’s financial aid website page for specific requirements, but if you file the applications in the month of October, you typically meet all possible deadlines.

Here is a checklist to prepare for filling out and submitting these important applications:⠀

☐ Educate yourself on the financial aid process⠀

☐ Discuss expectations (about who is paying for college and how much) with your family⠀

☐ Calculate your EFC (once) and then your Net Price for each college on your list⠀

☐ Have your College List ready⠀

☐ Review your colleges’ aid application requirements (some require both the FAFSA and CSS Profile)⠀

☐ Create your FSA IDs (one for a parent and one for the student)⠀

☐ Gather the necessary documents⠀

☐ On or after October 1st, complete and submit the FAFSA to all of your colleges and the CSS Profile to schools that require it⠀

☐ Review your Student Aid Report⠀

☐ While waiting to hear back from colleges, search and apply for merit and private scholarships⠀