Guiding your student beyond the application.

Teen Life Skills

College Bound Tips.


Teach Your Teen Life Skills

Sending a kid off to college this fall? To manage the stress that begins in earnest in early August, take advantage of the beginning of summer to work through each of our life skills tips.

We’ll be adding more tips and resources to this page each week.
So stayed tuned this summer!

Start with How-to:

  1. Have your College Bound student manage their own laundry. Find 10 Steps To Clean Clothes here.

  2. Ask your young adult to plan, shop for, and cook one meal a week. See13 Super Easy Meals Teens Can Make Themselves here.

  3. Teach your teenager about establishing good credit, how to manage a budget, and which financial mistakes to avoid.

  4. Discuss privacy laws and medical “What if…?” scenarios.

  5. Set expectations on expenses, study habits, and grades. (Pay attention to the syllabus; do not get behind, use your planner, find and use are paying for them!)

  6. Learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. (Open your door; take calculated risks, be the “inviter”, go to office hours.)

  7. Social media—Friend or foe?

  8. Drinking, S-E-X, and extra-long sheets.

Find more useful College Bound & Ready tips and resources here.